Refund policy

Refund – Money-Back Guarantee

If you have failed to receive your order for some reason or received it damaged or partial we are ready to return 100% of the paid amount within 30 days or send the purchased medicine once more.

The maximum delivery time is 21 business days starting from the shipment date (in accordance with your delivery type). In case you fail to receive your purchase within this period or you are informed that your purchase is on hold with the customs or that the purchase has been returned please contact us so that we deal with this immediately.

You can return the purchase within 30 days starting from delivery date if:

  • Delivered product is damaged of defective;
  • Delivered product is not the one you ordered.

Please note that the product must be returned in original undamaged package and with all its accessories. The return must be previously discussed with our support team.

We regret to inform you that we cannot accept products that have been unpacked or the 30-days period has passed.

Please contact our support team for additional information.

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